Monday, May 25, 2020

Sampling Case Study - 1737 Words

Sampling Case Studies Case Study 1 on Sampling Sampling Hispanic Adults by Telephone1 Problem: Researchers wanted to determine how aware adult Hispanics in the San Francisco area are of product warning messages and signs concerning cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and other consumer products. The researchers needed to contact a sample of them to interview. A Solution: â€Å"Respondents were sampled using†¦random digit dialing. This procedure†¦avoids the use of directories with their inherent problem of the exclusion of unlisted numbers while guaranteeing equal probability of selection for all telephone numbers. Such an approach has been used in a number of telephone surveys with Hispanics and has been shown to be not only feasible but†¦show more content†¦Are you surprised by the â€Å"unquestioning attitudes toward name traditions†? Why or why not? 1 Source/ reference: Twenge, J.M. (1997). â€Å"Mrs. his name†: Women’s preferences for married names. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21, 417-429. Submit your opinion to the case study to this threaded discussion. Case Study 3 on Sampling Using Quota Sampling1 Problem: Professors with limited resources usually find it difficult to obtain adequate samples of the general adult population for their research. Instead, many study samples of college students, who are readily available, even though there is no reason to believe that samples of college students are representative of the national population of adults. (Of course, often professors are interested in the behavior of college students only, in which case, using college students is not a problem.) A Solution: â€Å"In order to reach a wide range of people, the data were collected using a purposive, quota design. Students enrolled in a research methods class†¦were given course credit for collecting the data for this study. These research assistants were†¦instructed to recruit adults (not college students) that they knew in six age and gender quotas (male and female: 18-34, 35-49, and 50 and older) to complete questionnaires. Because the students were given their assignmentShow MoreRelatedCase Studies : A Case Study Approach Essay1157 Words   |  5 PagesA case study is a specific instance that is frequently designed to illustrate a more general principle (Nisbet and Watt, 1984). Hitchock and Hughes (1995) further suggest that the case study approach is particularly valuable when the researcher has little control over evens. Case studies strives to portray ‘what it like’ to be a particular situation, to catch up reality and ‘thick descriptionà ¢â‚¬â„¢ (Geertz, 1973) of participants’ lives experiences of, thoughts about and feelings for a situation. TheyRead MoreWhat Is Grounded Theory ( Glaser And Strauss )1661 Words   |  7 Pages1. 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